About Us
Our God-Given Purposes
At fellowship Bible Church we exist to glorify God by making Christ-like disciples who worship, connect, and serve. We desire to cooperate with the Holy Spirit by helping people take the next step in their lives, growing from one level of commitment to the next as they sequentially move from worship to connect to serve.
Worship God in loving fellowship with others.
Worship God by singing meaningful praise music.
Worship God through in-depth Bible teaching.
Worship God by financial giving as an act of gratitude.
Exalting Christ
Hebrews 13:15
Connect with others in small home life-groups.
Connect with the Bible in Bible Studies, special classes, and in Sunday School.
Connect with the church by becoming a member.
First Step Class
Encouraging People
Establishing Believers
Hebrews 10:24-25
Serve in the church by using your God-given Spiritual gifts, meeting needs, and inviting people to our church.
Finding Your Fit Class
Serve in the world by sharing the gospel of salvation and by loving others.
Evangelism Class
Equipping Believers
Evangelizing Unbelievers
Matthew 28:19-20
Our Leaders

Mark Hardy
Pastor and Elder
Dave Jensen
Bob Holliday
Chuck Stockton
David Henderson
John King
Mitch Butzer
DeaconOur Beliefs
Commonly Asked Questions
How long is your Sunday Service?
Our Sunday School runs from 9:00 - 10:00 am, and our Worship Service begins at 10:15 and ends at 11:45 am.
What style of worship do you have?
We have a blended style here at FBC. We love both traditional hymns and contemporary worship songs and strive for a 40% hymns to a 60% contemporary song lineup.
What do you have for my kids?
We offer a secure nursery environment throughout the entire Worship Service for all kids birth – 3 years, which includes an area for nursing mothers to have privacy to feed their babies. We also provide a safe and fun Children’s Church for those ages 3-12 that begins immediately after our worship music and right before Pastor Mark’s sermon.
What should I wear?
You are welcome to dress modestly in whatever type of clothes you feel the most comfortable in. Come as you are!
Should I bring anything with me?
We teach directly from the Bible, and you can choose to bring yours or use a convenient Bible app on your phone to follow along and take notes. Other than that, nothing else is needed.
What is your COVID-19 Mask Policy?
We are following the recommendations of our local Panhandle Health Department to guard the health of our visitors and members. With so many now vaccinated against COVID-19, we do not require masks but we do welcome people who feel more protected doing so to continue wearing them. We have our auditorium set up to provide social distancing of 6 feet between families and are asking our people to respect others by not initiating personal contact unless invited to do so. It’s important to us that you feel safe here during your visit!
How Can We Help You?
ServIce TimeS
Adult Sunday School9:00 am
Sunday Worship Service10:15 am
Home Study GroupsThroughout The Week
Contact Information
Address1220 N Idaho St. Post Falls, ID 83854
Phone(208) 457-9345